Resonant Life Expeditions

Rediscover your identity and purpose after breaking free from high-control religion.

On your own terms.

Resonant Life Expeditions

Base Camp (3-Month) and Summit (6-Month) Jungian Life Coaching packages that empower you to divine your soul’s purpose and unlock your soul’s potential.

  • Do you ever feel like you’ve forgotten who you are? Or maybe you’ve never known?

  • Do you ask yourself, “Why am I here?” or “Is there even a why?”

  • Do you feel lost at sea, disconnected, isolated from your Self and your Source?

  • Do you want to get spiritually unstuck but don’t know where to start?

    If you feel a YES resonating deep within your core, read on…

Greetings, Weary Traveler.

I remember when I began my journey. I felt utterly disconnected from my identity and why I was here in this Universe. I felt lost at sea. Disconnected. Isolated from myself and others. I was bored, and I was tired. Casting about daily, I could not locate my passion. Things that generally light me on fire ... I just had no energy for them. I was drained, and I was empty.

You might say that I was depressed, and the symptoms certainly do look similar. But I was diagnosed with depression in 2017, and I've been on an effective dose of compensating medication ever since. This was something different. Something was clearly missing from the very depth of my soul.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

I was born into a family with deep roots in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. Church was just part of the equation. And while my church upbringing had more of a folk religion character to it than what we think of as Evangelical Christianity today, two things were apparent:

  1. You were born a sinner, and you're justifiably on your way to a really terrible and frightening place called Hell for all eternity.

  2. If you "ask Jesus into your Heart," you can get your hands on some incredible fire insurance that will send you to Heaven, where you get to worship Jesus 24/7/365.

To a child who'd rather spend time climbing trees and digging "foxholes," neither sounded like an excellent option. But one day, at the Good News Club across the street, I lifted my hand and let a random lady lead me in the Sinner's Prayer. And so began my fraught relationship with Christianity.

Fast forwarding through my turbulent teenage and college years, we landed in 2001. It was time to grow up, get married, get a real job, and find a good church. And into the belly of the Southern Baptist beast, we leaped. I would spend the next ten years teaching young married adults Sunday School classes and knocking on doors, training people in Evangelism Explosion. Around 2011, my entire life started to shift in a new direction professionally, leading me to spend a lot of time traveling and missing a lot of church. Little did I know, but my unconscious mind slowly and carefully drew me into what I now know as deconstruction.

It all flew apart for me one morning sitting in London City Airport at 5:00 AM, watching TV through a coffee-fueled haze as the 2016 U.S. presidential election returns scrolled across the chyron. Anyone other than Hillary Clinton becoming the next POTUS was impossible, but the impossible was something I had to accept. A worldview that I thought I knew, understood, and fortified for fifteen years, in an instant, disintegrated. For me, the election of Donald Trump was the catalyst that caused my paradigm - my mental model of reality - to violently implode.

And so I would spend the next three years deconstructing my faith in earnest. Where did I land? After a brief period of somewhat "militant atheism," I settled in a place where spirituality was simply not a part of my life. As we descended into the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, I should have realized that a complete lack of spirituality wasn't working for me. I watched a few church services on YouTube. Still, anything that looked like the church of my younger years wasn't compelling. And so I just didn't think about these things.

Until I found myself lost at sea in late 2022. My software engineering career (along with the technology job market) was taking a turn for the worse, and my sister attempted suicide. It's incredible how good times can provide the illusion that a lack of spiritual connection is OK. Still, troubled times will shatter that same illusion. I started looking for answers.

I found a group called Harbor Online Community - a progressive 'church' that meets exclusively online and provides a platform for spiritual dialogue amongst peers rather than force-feeding by pastors. This community was not bound by artificial cohorts based on age or heteronormative marital status. We span multiple decades. We are married, single, divorced, widowed, dating, straight, gay, trans, and every queer variety thriving in the spaces between. It's a community that accepts and supports, a community that I'm proud to be a part of.

Through this community, I found solace in the Tarot. It provided a comforting framework, a way to understand and navigate the complexities of life. Astrology, too, offered a sense of relief, a way to connect with the cosmic forces that shape our existence. Through both of these, I encountered the idea of archetypes, and through archetypes, I discovered the work of Carl Jung. The Universe provided me, piece by piece, with the tools I needed to construct a new spirituality, a spirituality that finally felt like home.

My journey accelerated after attending Theology Beer Camp in October 2023. While the event itself was marvelous, it was the web of connections I developed at that event that introduced me to people like Hana O'Neill, Tenae Stewart, Wendy Mata, and Debra and Dr. Rob Maldonado - individuals who have become mentors and coaches in my life, and who ultimately helped me craft the spirituality that I have today. This spirituality, centered in my eclectic combination of witchcraft, psychic divination, cartomancy, astrology, eastern philosophy, and Jungian psychology, has empowered me in ways I never thought possible.

But it's not my particular brand of practice that's important. It's the results I obtained and the fact I did it on my terms.

  • I feel deeply connected to my identity and purpose.

  • I feel a deep connection to Source (substitute God, Spirit, or whatever term makes you more comfortable)

  • I'm brimming with passion and can't wait to get to work every day.

  • I've rediscovered focus and excitement.

  • Things that resonate with me raise my energy level.

  • I feel full, and I regret nothing.

This is what I call the Resonant Life, a life where you feel deeply connected to your purpose, your spirituality, and the world around you. It's a life filled with passion, energy, and a sense of fulfillment. And I want it for you too.

Yes, I discovered it on my own. Still, my path was greatly accelerated and enriched by the fantastic humans alongside me as guides and interlocutors. I would not be where I am today without coaches, and now I'd like to pay that experience forward to you.

Let's begin!

Ready to start your expedition NOW?

What will I discover on my Resonant Life Expedition?

Your Identity

High-control Religion specified your identity. A self-identity independent of the definition your spiritual authority, “received from God,” simply wasn’t a thing for you. Resonant Life Expeditions empower you to discover the unique human that embodies your Soul.

Your Purpose

High-control Religion specified your purpose. Probably something along the lines of you being here to worship a God, only do His/Her/Their will, and convert additional followers to your faith. Resonant Life Expeditions empower you to discover the purpose your Soul selected for this lifetime.

Your Map

High-control Religion provided your only map. Let me guess. It was called the Bible or the “inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.” Resonant Life Expeditions empower you to craft a spiritual map that resonates with your Soul (deities optional).

Your Plan

High-control Religion provided your plan. Read the Bible in a Year. Pray an hour every day. Seek and save the Lost. Show up at Church whenever the doors open. Resonant Life Expeditions empower you to choose spiritual practices that inspire and nurture your Soul.

Your GPS

High-control Religion installed your GPS. A guilty conscience that constantly accused you of sinning and labeled you unworthy of God’s love. Resonant Life Expeditions empower you to create a vibrant connection to the essence of divine love resident within your Soul

Choose Your Adventure:

Option 1:
3-Month Base Camp Package

  • Six (6) 30-minute private coaching sessions via Zoom (two sessions per month for three months)

  • Email support in between sessions

  • Soul-Aligned Spiritual Practices Astrology+Tarot Reading

  • 10% discount on Tarot and Astrology readings through the shop

  • Other exercises and tools to support your goal

Reg. $1500 - Special Offer $1250 pay in full (or 3 x $500)

Option 2:
6-Month Summit Package

  • Twelve (12) 30-minute private coaching sessions via Zoom (two sessions per month for six months)

  • Email support in between sessions

  • Soul-Aligned Spiritual Practices Astrology+Tarot Reading

  • 20% discount on Tarot and Astrology readings through the shop

  • Other exercises and tools to support your goal

  • BONUS: 90-minute Expedition Planning Session (*)

Reg. $3000 - Special Offer $2500 pay in full (or 6 x $500)

* Replaces first 30-minute private coaching session