Lunar Year Ahead Tarot Reading


Get a year ahead reading no matter what calendar week we’re on!

Lunar Year Ahead Tarot Readings cover the period from major lunation event to the corresponding major lunation event roughly 336 days later.

As an example, a reading that begins the week of the 3rd Quarter Moon will cover the period until the twelfth following 3rd Quarter Moon.

This is a thirteen-card reading:

  • One card representing the overall theme/energy for the year

  • One card representing each month

Your reading will be delivered via the email address you provide.

You will receive:

  • A digital photo of your cards

  • An approximately 45-60 minute audio file containing your reading

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Get a year ahead reading no matter what calendar week we’re on!

Lunar Year Ahead Tarot Readings cover the period from major lunation event to the corresponding major lunation event roughly 336 days later.

As an example, a reading that begins the week of the 3rd Quarter Moon will cover the period until the twelfth following 3rd Quarter Moon.

This is a thirteen-card reading:

  • One card representing the overall theme/energy for the year

  • One card representing each month

Your reading will be delivered via the email address you provide.

You will receive:

  • A digital photo of your cards

  • An approximately 45-60 minute audio file containing your reading

Get a year ahead reading no matter what calendar week we’re on!

Lunar Year Ahead Tarot Readings cover the period from major lunation event to the corresponding major lunation event roughly 336 days later.

As an example, a reading that begins the week of the 3rd Quarter Moon will cover the period until the twelfth following 3rd Quarter Moon.

This is a thirteen-card reading:

  • One card representing the overall theme/energy for the year

  • One card representing each month

Your reading will be delivered via the email address you provide.

You will receive:

  • A digital photo of your cards

  • An approximately 45-60 minute audio file containing your reading

What are people saying about these readings?

Matt's tarot readings demonstrate their wealth of cartomancy knowledge and are enhanced by their strong intuitive nature and understanding of Astrology. Matt’s background in systems thinking and commitment to exploring multiple spiritual paths gave my reading a depth and thoroughness that I had not experienced in Tarot readings I have had in the past. I highly recommend Matt for those interested in a meaningful and supportive tarot reading.

Lara S.